All Puppies come with:
*All puppies raised with PUPPY CULTURE
*24 month health guarantee
*first needle
*blanket that smells like mom
*collar and leash
*sample bag of puppy food
*Treated with Revolution for litters born between June and September
***All puppies sold on non-breeding contract unless arrangements are made in advance
While Puppies are Here
*exploring the house and getting used to an open crate at 4
* going outdoors to play/pee (weather permitting) at 5 weeks
*crate training and house training starts at 6 weeks.
*Puppies stay here with us until they are 8 weeks old.
All puppies are handled daily from the time they are born, and are used to being underfoot and the sounds of a normal household.
They are all exposed to the cat and horses making new contacts with new animals easy.
We use positive reinforcement to train the pups.
We use a bell on the door handle to train pups to ring bell to go
Picking of the
Picking goes in order of deposit given.
Sex must be decided on/before the pups are 1 week old
Pups are chosen between 6-7 weeks old.
This helps me to know which pups are available and for the families to
Visiting policy
Visits are welcome for families getting a pup from a litter that is on the ground or when deciding to go on the list
Payment for puppies *$200 deposit due when paired to a litter
*full payment is due at time of pick up
*first pick goes in order of deposits given.
Frequent questions
about us:
Why do we breed doodles?
the love of the retriever for the many people with allergies
What is the difference between a hybrid and a mutt?
A hybrid is two purebred parents bred together.
A mutt is "of unknown heritage"
All our dogs are registered purebreds or out of traceable registered purebreds.
How do we look after so many dogs properly?
We are a family of six that all work together, plus we have great
friends that come if we have to be out for any amount of time.
Most of our dogs live in guardian families, this ensures they all have
family life all the time and not kennel dogs.
The dogs are part of the family and are always around us.
Are Doodles hypoallergenic?
For those people allergic to dander: they do very well. Although no
dog is 100% hypoallergenic
If allergies are severe ask us about which litters are the best option,
DNA results have come so far and we can help here.
For those people allergic to saliva: Unfortunately there is no such
thing as a hypoallergenic dog in terms of saliva, however a great deal
of people will become tolerant to their own dog after a few weeks. This goes for any breed of dog.
What is F1 / F1b?
F1 = Purebred Retriver bred to Purebred Poodle
F1b = Doodle bred to Poodle, thus 75% poodle
Mulit Gen = doodle to a doodle
Health Testing
We have not always done health testing on our breeding dogs
due to cost and it being controversial to some.
However, since 2009 as our relationship with vets and other breeders
have strengthened we have seen more and more hip dysplasia in both young and matured dogs.
We at Chai Kennels do not want to burden families with vet bills and
broken hearts as they watch their pups suffer.
To date we have never had a problem, we are praying that God will show mercy on our ignorance in the past.
We do the following testing on every dog bred:
-eyes through OFA
hips through OFA
through OFA
through OFA
through OFA
for our poodles through PPG
through PPG
of our dogs that do not pass will not be bred.
They will remain with the guardian family they know and love. We do not breed any dog with any food allergy, aggression, lack of
social skills, trainablity or failure to meet breed standards.
Microchips can quickly aid in the location of your pet if
for some
reason they run away, get taken away or get lost while on vacation with the family.
All veterinarian clinics and shelter have scanners that can scan your
pet and get your name and contact information to get your pet home as quickly as possible. All our pups are microchipped
For whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8